
Next-Gen Web Worlds

Meta-OS allows modern websites to be deployed effortlessly

Here are some example widgets, each created with one line of markup:

Dynamic component

Extended Event Methods

touch me

Enhanced Dates


Hoverscroll within hoverscroll


This PWA renders after 200 KB (or 20 KB without JS, or 0-4 KB if cached), and the entire site download is 300 KB. Browsing any page downloads all templates, enabling instant navigation using pushState.

The framework supports multi-site and multi-staging, and checks for template validity, assets, and dupes

Uniquely modular on-demand libraries

Reactive automagical extraction of HTML/CSS/JS, concatenation, minification, gzipping and logging

A powerful theme engine allows instant

for background and foreground elements, independently

A suite of client-side helpers, for animation, multimedia, accessibility, file-handling, MongoDB commands and more


Auto CSS-prefixing, shorthand, mobile-ready and Firefox/Webkit/Edge-friendly out of the box.

Built in SEO (search engine optimisation) page delivery for no-script web crawler robots or pure serverside rendering - reload this page without JavaScript to see it in action

+ plus +

Full API-handling functionality: before page load, on render, on-demand

Galleries for music, pictures and video; animated backgrounds; instant pushState page transitions

File Commander, Vector Painter, Taro Chess, Book Reader apps

All in under 2 MB! (9 MB unpacked and installed)


The happiest, most joyful and friendly computer platform.

META-OS works well with the following superior libraries:

MongoDB, THREE.js, Electron, fflate, simple-peer, Tachyons, GLSL sandbox, CryptoJS, auroraplayer, pdf.js, nodemailer, Tesseract, ie9.js...

META-OS directly replaces the following inferior libraries:

React, Lit, Express, Astro, Sass, jQuery, Radix, Vue, Snowpack, Gulp, Lodash, Polymer, Angular, Dust, KendoUI, Jade, Material Design, Elm, Tailwind, Ember, Aurelia, Marko, Stylus...

Helpful integrations:

With Nginx, Let's Encrypt certificates are automatically updated using Certbot. With Forever, the server auto-restarts if a crash occurs. Rides on Unix, Windows and Mac without configuration changes. Recompiles & reloads with the F4 key (in development mode). Performs granular MongoDB backups and restores from the web interface. Auto-zips access logs.

Not included or covered in this distro:

testing frameworks (live demos are better); command-line functions (all tools are web-based)